giovedì, giugno 13, 2013

Bellissimo:il video lo crea la bici

Ho trovato questo molto divertente e molto impattante.

Un new media: la ruota della bicicletta che crea dei video pubblicitari (o dei loghi, o delle immagini...)  che si fanno vedere moltissimo anche nell'affollato panorama pubblicitario delle nostre metropoli.

Insomma, guardate il video, merita :-)

Copio e incollo dalla press release per approfondimenti:

Project your brand from bicycle wheels using video and images. Stationary, on stands in specific locations or running in motion along routes of your choice, our fleet of ice-white bicycles fascinate passers-by with your projected video/images. 

Our technology allows you to project your message from the wheels of dozens of ice-white bicycles traveling along streets of your choice or from a fleet of bicycles on stands in the busiest areas. Our staff riders can wear clothing of your design and distribute flyers. Our campaigns are ideal for a range of marketing objectives, including store openings, VIP/PR events, festivals, city events and product launches to name just a few possibilities.

We offer an all-inclusive service: 1) Expert video/image design, formatting and development using images and videos you supply yourself or design from scratch; 2) Route planning for maximum in-motion exposure; 3) Planning for stationary exposure; 4) Staffing, training and uniforms for public engagement. 

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